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She told me: “Dark Moon Lilith is your North Node.”

I saw a sign at Whole Foods the other day, it read: “Treat your body as if it was someone you loved.”

Most of the time, I’d rather pretend I didn’t have a body at all-or better yet-only when it is convenient to me. Which is, of course, all of the present time. But don’t tell my mind that. The alien at the center of my brain thinks it’s in control. Which I like to call a false sense of security

The only truths we can prove are scientific truths like gravity, moon cycles, seasons, five senses experiential type things. Things we can all see/touch/taste/smell/touch in this present time. Everything else is arbitrary theory mongering. Lest I forget the biggest truth of all: all three dimensional things are born from the unknown, exist for some span of “time”, and then disappear back into the mystery. And we can’t see/touch/taste/smell/touch them before or after their physical existence. That’s it. Literally the only things we can ever know. 

The fact that this miraculous cycle is completely out of our control thwarts us. So we compensate. We tell ourselves we have free will. If we do enough hard work this mystery can be controlled.

Study this, shun that. Believe this, reject that. Eat this, avoid that. Do this, not that.

Maniac aliens at ‘command central’ thinking they have some semblance of control over Truth. 

Might as well call the whole thing off. We can’t control anything, there are no truths that come from up there, in the mind. EXCEPT…

We can control how we feel, how much energy we have, how well we eat chew digest and shit, how much we dance in the ecstasy, how high our vibration is. UP TO A POINT…

It always comes back to her, the umbilical cord never got cut, so we are her, and him for that matter. Don’t forget who is really in charge of this body, this material world, and what happens before, during, and after. I’ll give you a hint – it’s at the center of your material body, not up at the top.

After all our control, it’s always up to her to grace you how she sees fit. Do not underestimate our lack of control. 

Me? Little me? I’m betting on the cycles that balance on the spiraling tightrope.